Structural Repair
and Reinforcement
Holistic Approach to Reinforcement Projects
SAVE Engineering examines the strength of the structure by evaluating all the load-bearing elements together with the foundation and the ground. It prepares projects in a way that will work healthily by considering the whole system with a holistic approach.

Innovative Products
For Structural System
SAVE Engineering
offers new generation products
in the reinforcement of structural systems:
1. Carbon fibers
2. Carbon plates
3. Carbon composites with steel core
What is Structural Reinforcement? Which Structures Need Reinforcement?
There are various processes and stages applied to structural elements. These increase the strength and performance of the structure as well as the comfort. The project varies according to the condition and needs of the building, but the main purpose is to provide 'resistance to a certain load'.
Structures in need of repair or reinforcement can be listed as follows:
1. Structures damaged in an earthquake or a disaster
2. Structures whose durability is impaired or damaged after corrosion or other chemical reactions
3. Structures built according to the old earthquake regulations and not having the strength required by the current regulation
4. Structures subject to accident such as explosion, fire or vehicle crash
5. Buildings that have undergone renovations that increase loads, such as floor additions
6. Structures with a change in function (such as the conversion of residential buildings into structures such as hospitals, schools)
7. • Structures that are found to have insufficient strength due to various reasons in new constructions

Structural Reinforecement Stages
Foundation Reinforcement
Foundation reinforcement is used when the foundation is insufficient to support the loads or as a solution to a basic need that will adapt to and support the new system formed after the strengthening of the carrier system.
The foundation carries the loads of the system together with the ground. Adapting the foundation to bear the load of the newly added structural elements in reinforcement projects to these new conditions and its compatibility with the ground are very important for the system to work. You can find information about the ground reinforcement service here.
Reinforcement of Structural System: Columns, Beams and Slabs
There are many project-specific methods to be detailed for reinforcement processes that can be applied to reinforced concrete, masonry, wood and steel structures.
Reinforcing structural system is the process of redesigning the stiffness and ductility characteristics of the structural elements, such as increasing their load carrying capacity and bending strength, by considering the holistic situation of the structure. For information, you can find the article on the concepts of stiffness and ductility here.
Why SAVE Engineering
in Structural Reinforcement ?
• Expertise in Cost, Time and Security Management
Cost, time and safety management in building reinforcement projects is shaped according to many parameters such as the condition of the building, its function, the needs of the residents or businesses during the project. SAVE Engineering proves its expertise in the field of reinforcement in the comprehensive and efficient management of the project.
• Holistic Approach to Reinforcement Projects
Making some of the structural elements more rigid may cause earthquake loads to concentrate on these elements in some cases. Therefore, it may mean making it more easily broken and destroyed. SAVE Engineering evaluates the strength of the structure together with all load-bearing elements, foundation and ground. And it deals with the whole system with a holistic approach.

• Safe Solutions with Innovative Products and Methods
Appropriate method and detail selection in reinforcement projects is very important to offer a healthy solution. There are many different and effective structural reinforcement methods.
In practice, conventional reinforced concrete can be used as well as innovative methods and products.
SAVE Engineering uses in the reinforcement of structural systems:
1. Carbon fibers
2. Carbon plates
3. Carbon composites with steel core.
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